check this out...

so me and this baby father were together for a couple months and broke up in february because he was never there for me and i felt like i took care of him as far as money, food, support and comfort.. like his schedule pretty much revolves around his oldest child (school, sleep, sports, after schoolwork and take him home) so he would make excuses as to why he couldn’t do certain shit when he actually jus didn’t make the time.. literally watched me struggle without offering any help knowing i’m pregnant.. well he had to do 90 days in jail and gets out in June (this will be his 3rd child).. i’m to the point where i don’t even need his help at night.. yes be there for his other children but don’t forget he has one here too and at night time i don’t need as much help as i do during the day when i have to make food, tend to my other kids, clean up, etc.. i kno i could use the help as i sleep but i’m like why waste time him staying the night he ain’t helping me do shit he can’t feed the baby cause i’ll be breast feeding so wtf is he gonna do.. them i gotta wake up after him early mornings to lock the door smh.. he thinks we will be together when he gets out but he’s in for a rude awakening cause i WILL not settle.. am i wrong or is it just my hormones??