Has anyone else used a at home fetal doppler? Advice, suggestions, recommendations?


I would love some peice of mind during my pregnancy so I'm considering getting one of these from this but I dont want to spend the money if it's not going to work also dont want to put my card information on a website that's not one I know I can trust. Does anyone have one or one that is similar that they love?

This is my 3rd pregnancy and I'm a few days shy of being 16weeks. My first pregnancy she didnt kick or move due to trisomy 18 and was still born at 36 weeks. My second with my rainbow baby I felt his movements at 13 weeks and they only got stronger. Now with my 3rd pregnancy almost 16 weeks, I've had the genetic testing done and it say I'm going to be having a healthy baby but something doesnt feel right, like I feel the baby in me but they are not kick I feel, its more of a floating.