Intimacy issues during pregnancy

Maude • •👼🏼C 💙•H🌈•B🐻

So since I got pregnant for the first time in November and then we had a miscarriage in February and got pregnant again In April I’m having sex issues. From February to April I didn’t really feel like having sex mostly because I was bleeding until April 6th and had been bleeding since February 7th. But we had sex one night and we got pregnant again lol! Well now I’m pregnant with our rainbow and I can’t have sex with my husband. I have dreams every night that we have sex and I wake up horny and we try and as soon as we get going I don’t enjoy it. It becomes uncomfortable so fast and last night I couldn’t even finish or let him finish. And I feel awful! I can tell it’s affecting him and it’s affecting me. We always had a fun crazy sex life and now I just can’t. I’m hoping this is just a pregnancy thing and after I’m all healed postpartum that is comes back but I’m scared it won’t. I love my husband so much and I worry it’s coming off like I’m not attracted to him anymore, but honestly I’m not attracted to anything right now. But mentally i am, just like physically ugh so frustrating