I really need to talk to someone and here's the place so here goes

So I met a guy 2 years ago and we started seeing each other. Let me point out the sex was amazing. Anyways in getting to know him he said he was living with his DAUGHTERS' mother and they were not in a relationship but they had an arrangement (RED FLAG) But I believed him. He got really weird at one point and we separated. During this time I saw a friend of his posted a picture of him, his two daughters and a 10 month old baby boy... i was like hmmm who is this kid. Anyways three weeks later he texted me and all was forgiven and we moved on... i asked him who was the little boy and he said "its my neighbor's son." OK fine we continued our relationship. I was deleted from his Facebook then he added me back (thid is like a whole year after) while scrolling through his timeline I saw the kid again... im like "babe whose the little kid on ur page?" He responded "that's my son babe" I'm like WTF!!!! I'm with this man 2 years this kid is not even 3 as yet 😳😳😳 I went off... you said you only had two daughters and that little boy was your neighbor's son i told him. He said he did not remember telling me that. I said who is the mother, where does she live WTF is going on!?!? At this point I'm livid and I blocked him. I need to clear my head and do some investigating. I reached out to the mother of the child... she's living with by BF, they are in a relationship. I don't give her any information that I was seeing him just that he and I were friends and his story seems off. She asked me if he was with me, I can't lie I said yes. She ask for proof. I was about to give her all the text messages but then he was calling me begging me not to say anything to her because she will leave him and take his son away and he will have to pay child support.

At this point she's still asking for the messages between him and I as proof and then she said he cheated on her once before. She went on to call me pathetic and a liar. She said I was trying to get between them. At this point I don't feel bad for her anymore because she seems a bit delusional.

My heart is broken 💔 I still care for him. I will not get between him and his family but damn this heart break hurts.

He's such a liar.... for two whole years....

He has a 12 & 5 year old with one woman and a 3 year old with another. He cheated on his daughters mother with his son's mother...

OMFG talk about drama....

Y'all tell me how stupid I am and that my stupid heart need to woman up and I should stop caring for this liar!!!!!