Cryptic pregnancy?!?!?!


I’m going through something similar. My last period was on January 29th. My next period should of started the end of February/ beginning of March and it didn’t. I didn’t think anything of it because it’s been late before. 2 weeks go by and I started getting concern. 3 weeks late and I started to test. I took 3 hpt all negative. The next morning I took another one a clear blue digital it came up positive. I ran to target and bought more to confirm and they all came back negative. I contacted my doctor came in for a urine test that came up negative. They advised me to retest in 2 weeks and then we’ll go from there. I didn’t test again til the day before my appointment because I didn’t want to stress myself out testing every day. I bought a 4pk of clear blue test 2 stick and 2 digital. I took one stick and one digital and it came up negative. I re tested again the morning of my appointment and told myself if these came up negative I was just going to take it as I’m not pregnant and it turned out pregnant again. I was so confused. Told my doctor and she let me come in for a blood test. Results came back negative. She then tested my hormones for any imbalances and they all came back normal. I’m currently waiting to be scheduled for an ultrasound. I’m now 75 days late. I’ve heard stories from other women about similar situations and how they couldn’t get a positive pregnancy til they were at least 4 months or more and it sucks there isn’t much research on why things like this happen.