Increasing breast milk supply

M • Happily married. Girl mom 💗💗💗

So my daughter is 8 months old. She has a milk protein allergy. She’s never latched and so I’ve been pumping to feed her breast milk. I’ve tried to supplement with hypoallergenic formula (told to do so from her doctor because of her weight) and she absolutely hates the taste and will not drink it.

My milk supply has dropped significantly and I’m not sure why. I’m getting to the point where I have no extra in the fridge and I pump to feed her at that moment and I’m only getting a small amount each pump. Usually less than 4oz total. I’m worried that my supply will not be enough to sustain her.

I’ve tried supplements. I’ve tried power pumping. A few weeks ago I would only pump 4 times a day and have a good amount. Now it seems the more I pump the less I get for the day and that just makes no sense to me.

What have you all done to increase your supply that worked best for you? I eat oatmeal at least once a day. I’ve increased my water intake. And calorie intake. What is wrong with my body? Supply is not meeting the demand. I’m worried I’m going to have to force formula onto her. And I know that will be a very rough transition for us both. I don’t want her to get dehydrated from refusing to eat.

Any tips ? Advice? Ideas ?

Help 😞