IUI and Corona


my husband and I have been ttc for 2.5 years. we finally reached a point to try <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a> and then the corona hit the month he was home and the dr said we couldnt do the procedure because it wasnt essential. the next month the dr called and said we could do the procedure but my husband wasnt home (he's gone 28 days, home 28 days). anyway, hes home now, my period jus stopped and I called the drs office, they said we are good to go head with the procedure.. I told my husband and he said we should wait a few months because it's not safe with the corona and he dont want something to be wrong with the baby if i end up getting the corona (I'm a nurse). I tried to explain to him that the doctor wouldnt offer the procedure if he didnt think it would be safe and when I looked up some articles, it said corona doesnt pass from mother to baby in womb and the few positive tested babies were tested days after birth and they couldnt determine if it was hospital acquired or passed from mom... i just dont know what to do or say anymore, my heart is broken cause i feel like this is just another excuse not to have a baby. any pregnant mommas or recently given birth have any type of advice, words of wisdom, or story dealing with this type of situation?