Please help me


So my stepmom has always been mean to me. She says a lot of hurtful things and treats my step siblings and I with a HUGE double standard. I used to vent to my friends about it but my stepmom didn’t like that so my dad told me he would kick me out of the house if I “talk shit about her” again. She just says really really hurtful things. She also used to tell me to stop eating when I was little and told everyone that I self harmed for attention. She tends to make fun of me or talk shit about me in front of me a lot and overreacts over small things(she made me get grounded because I got a toilet paper roll with out asking. The toilet paper was in the dinning room and there was plenty). So yea my stepmom came into my room and was like “I won’t let you back here if you tell ur friends about the things I do and say to you” and then my dad came into my room tonight and was like “you will not be allowed in this house if you ever talk shit about my wife again”. I never really talked shit, I just said things like “the things she say make me really depressed” and stuff like that. I don’t know what to do. I could stay at my moms full time but I don’t wanna leave my siblings

I was kicked out for about 6 months because my stepmom falsely accused me of poisoning her after I told my dad that my stepmom made my depression really bad. My dad took her side and didn’t let me come home. They finally let me back home and now this is my second week. I would really hate to leave my siblings again

Going to my mom is problematic too. I get grounded for the slightest thing and my punishment can be absurd. One time my punishment was to not talk at all. I wasn’t allowed to speak. I also have 0 privacy. She monitors my phone (text, emails, etc) like she has no other way to spend her free time and I just feel SO invaded