Nasty neighbors🤢

I live in an apartment and my nasty ass upstairs neighbors have a dog. They never take him out and leave him on the porch throughout the duration of the day. Well he pees on the concrete porch since no one takes him out. He peed today and this lady poured a bucket of warm water on it which proceeded to come onto our porch from above and pour all over my boyfriend 🤢 now I know why our banister recks and why I’m cleaning it more than often. They also throw their cigarettes on our porch and all over the ground.

We told her today that’s its gross and she needs to at least say a warning before she just does it so she went inside and ranted to her roommate loud as shit for like 30 mins

What the hell is wrong with people

I want to put an complaint in however my boyfriend and I do smoke 🍁 so I feel like they’d just turn it around in my face

*i use weed medicinally but I think I can still get in trouble*