Dog on the loose

So I’m writing this because I want some dog owners opinions on the matter!!

We have a new(ish) neighbor, she’s maybe lived next to us for almost a year. She has an older dog, who’s basically deaf. And he’s always in our yard!!!!!

We’ve never talked to her, maybe the occasional wave. We have about 3 acres, she has 1/4. So we’re not that close.

He’s torn up stuff in our yard, he’s always after chipmunks, and he’s pooped in our yard a few times too.

Well today, my 3yo tells me the dogs in our back yard, and I look and he’s after some chipmunks I’m sure. But he starts chewing on a car hood my husband has out back! So I literally have to scream at the dog to get its attention. I keep telling him to go home. Nothing. The dog kept at it for a good 20min before I went out to the neighbor. She was mowing her yard, and I yelled to get her attention.

I said you’re dogs in our yard tearing stuff up! You need to come get him! And she said “oh I’m sorry, I try and keep him in my yard” I said this isn’t the first time, we don’t want dogs in our yard!

She then said okay I’m coming to get him. But she seemed annoyed at me!

She then had to walk all the way into my back yard n grab the dog by the collar. And I went out back and said I’m sorry I don’t mean to be an ass but this is very personal, we had a child killed by a dog so we do not want any dogs in our yard. And she still seemed annoyed and she said something I didn’t catch and I said what? She said “that’s all I needed to hear” and kept walking.

I was pissed by all means, especially given our circumstances, but for her to be annoyed at me seems ridiculous!

This dog has literally been in our yard 100x and he’s gone after the dog across the street. So to me she’s just an irresponsible dog owner.

Am I being unreasonable?

Edit- we do have a fence around the backyard, but the gates are removed. We could put them back up, but that’s inconvenient for us and we still have an acre in the front the dog goes on.

Let’s HOPE she got the hint and she keeps him on his long line....which she has from her porch to a tree but she just never puts him on it 🙄 and we won’t have this issue again.

Thanks for the input ladies!

Update is in our yard again. Are you kidding me. I have called animal control. Waiting on a call back.