Everything has to be perfect?


I know that toddlers get like really into routine, and can be really obsessive about their interests. But my kid wants to do things step by step perfectly, and sometimes he adds steps and he gets really frustrated if we don't do all of it the "Right" way. Is this normal?

For instance he turns on his nightlight and noise machine and then he turns out the big light. Then he wants to be rocked which all seems normal but he alllsssoo wants his baby blanket folded into a pillow with the fuzzy side up and his monkey blanket folded like a pillow onto of the baby pillow and when we lay him in his crib we have to lift his head onto those blankets and then tuck him in. And if we mess those up he kinds freaks out that it isn't done right.

Or like, we went to the lake the other day he was standing on the ledge and I grabbed his hands and "Your soo brave!" And pulled him into the water and swisher him around and wanted to repeat that same action like a million times. Is this kinda normal behavior? I'm such a worry wart lol.