The struggle...PCOS off birth control TTC


Prior to my wedding in April 2019 I had my yearly OBGYN appointment. I had mentioned that I was nervous that I had PCOS (I have to work really really hard to maintain my weight, have some hair growth on my chin)

I had been on birth control since I was 18 and told her that I have only had a positive experience with it. She said that if I had PCOS that the birth control could be helping me regulate my hormones so stay on it until after the wedding and then go off for 3 months to get blood work done to see what’s going on.

I had my appointment in September of 2019 and all of my numbers in terms of insulin and glucose were great which she suspected would be the case due to my lifestyle but I had a super super high AMH level. (7.4!!!) Between that, my symptoms, and an ultrasound where we saw the sacks of immature eggs, she confirmed PCOS.

I told her since I had been off birth control I felt terrible. I experienced weight gain in areas I never carried weight before even though my lifestyle in terms of nutrition and exercise hadn’t changed and I just didn’t feel like myself. I felt really down.

We had a belated honeymoon planned for Dec 2019 and just bought a house so we weren’t ready to start trying right then. My OB suggested I go back on birth control to help with my hormone imbalance and when I am ready to start trying we should go off birth control and go for it. She said that study shows that some women with PCOS will ovulate right away after stopping birth control.

Fast forward to May 2020 and we decided to start trying. It’s been over two weeks and I feel miserable already off birth control. To top it off, I feel in the dark because I haven’t had a period in forever and I’m not even sure I will even get one.

I’ve felt physical symptoms in the last few days like sore breasts, fatigue, and some cramping. All of those things could be PMS or pregnancy related and I’m going out of my mind every day that passes without a period. The first time I went off birth control to get the blood work done I never experienced any PMS symptoms like this.

Sorry this was so long but I wanted to explain everything.

Wondering if any of you have dealt with something similar? If so, what tips do you have to move forward and cope?

I started taking vitex berry after reading recommendations but am curious about anything else you may have tried.