

Monday we went and saw two sacs, one with a distinct embryo (the big one in the bottom picture) with no heartbeat yet and one sac that had some tissue but we were told probably wouldn't make or it could turn into twins, I was 5 weeks 6 days. Today we looked again and I'm 6 weeks 3 days. The larger sac had a distinct embryo and a heartbeat! The other one looked larger and showed more organized tissue but the tech still said she wasn't sure and we have to go back. Can anyone look at these and tell me their thoughts? First is Monday, second is today and the second sac is to the left of the large round one. The size and position changed because of my bladder being full. These were abdominal ultrasounds. We never thought about twins but I knew they'd tell us we were having two and I was right and now I can't imagine any other way.