Birth Story- Induction

Mak💋 • Married to my high school sweetheart and the love of my life ❤️ Mommy to my precious boy 05/19/2019 and baby #2 due May 2020💗

We arrived at the hospital at 6pm last night. Hooked up to monitors, drew blood, etc.

They inserted cervadil at 6:50pm after a cervical check. Apparently I was closed and not effaced at all, but they weren’t able to get all the way up to check because I was in so much pain.

I got to take off the monitors after 2 hours. Then they came in every 4 hours to monitor her heart rate and my blood pressure.

At 7:15am Sunday they came and took out the cervadil. I immediately got an epidural because, why not 😂 and I definitely did not want to feel being checked ever again. She checked me and I was at a 1.5. About an hour later my doctor came in and he checked me. I had progressed to a 2, so he broke my water.

They started pitocin about 2 hours later, around 10am. I asked the doctor if he had a time frame guesstimate on her arrival, he said 4:30😆

Nurse came in at 12 and checked me, said I was at a 4 and turned my pitocin up to a 4. She also put the peanut ball between my legs and turned me on my side.

45 minutes later I had my husband call because every time I felt pressure like a contraction I felt like I needed to push..

She came back and said “well, you’re at a 9.5 so that’s why you feel the need to push..and your doctor left to get food so let’s get the room ready”😂 I was like well this baby is coming soon regardless of if he shows or not.

He literally walked in the room 10 minutes later, said “when you feel another contraction, just breathe and push.”

Little miss came out in 30 seconds, no practice pushes ❤️😂

I did have to have 12 stitches. But she’s so worth it 💗💗💗

*This was an elective induction. We have a 1 year old so it was nice to be able to schedule and leave him with family and a plan. I was induced with him due to high blood pressure

so I didn’t want to get to that point again.

Since we couldn’t have our photographer due to Covid procedures, I took these about 4 hours post birth 😂 My Mother’s Day camera has been so handy.

Amelia Monroe Shannon Wright💗

7lbs 3oz

19.5 inches long