Quickie ftm birth

Caity • loving life, baby boy 4/3/2020!💙👶 2 fur babies!🐾🐾

So i was 38w 2d when i gave birth in April. I had done a great big cleaning on thursday. when i went to bed i couldnt slp and was having a lot of cramping and diarrhea. I couldnt slp everytime i felt ok i would become crampy again then go back to my exercise ball. I didnt connect the two things to inactive labor. This was my entire night from 10 to about 5am, at 540am i felt as if i was going to shit my pjs and rushed to the toilet. At this point i pushed and my water broke!

I was then frantic and calm all at once. Wd arrived at the hospital at 630 and was sent to the triage or er rooms. Our hospital is a strict pregnancy hospital. So i wasnt wryd about any virus infections at the time.

They meadured me when i got there and i was 3cm dilated and it seemed like i was pretty steady so i thought id at leadt be laboring for a day.

Nope fast forward to noon, im getting contractions pretty regularly now, and forcibly but politely asking when i can go to the delivery rooms. They dont have any rooms available rn they said but theyll let me know... in my mind i am not giving birth in triage!!!

I asked for an exercise ball and was temporarily content

In the next hr yhings bc way more close together and pain is increasing

They check me again and im 9 cm !!!

They rush me to a delivery room that just opened and we book it.

At 130 im on the verge of pushing and crowning 5 pushes later my sweet baby boy enters this world

No drugs or epideral

I did however get drugs for the after birth...

When they push on your empty stomach that shit hurts more then pushing a human through your hooha!!!

I tried so hard not to sream bloody murder, bc my lo was on my chest

Anyway fast forward to today and hes almost 2 months old! I cant believe hes growing up so fast