Baby hates swaddle

Kylee • FTM • 4/22/2020 🩵

So my lo is 6 wks today. He’s 22 in and 11lbs. I use the Swaddle Me original swaddle in size small that’s supposedly goes to 26” tall and 14lbs. Sometimes he hates just getting in the swaddle like he seems to not want his arms restricted but we get past that with some soothing tricks I learned. My issue is he wakes up screaming at night fighting the swaddle like it’s to small or too short for him. I put it a little below his shoulders so he has more leg room but it seems to find its way up around his shoulders which I think causes the issue. Any tips on helping him? Anyone else use these swaddles? Any other swaddles that might be better? I’m thinking he needs something roomier, maybe a sleep sack.. 🤷‍♀️