rant :/


so i really need to rant right now, i just need to write my feeling down somewhere, i’ve always struggled with getting my thoughts out into words but i’ll try my best to project how i feel here.

So the girls that bullied my throughout high school (i’m from UK) are bothering me, i will never get how they got away with driving me near to suicide, they bullied me so bad i self harmed. The school let them get away with it. It makes me feel sick how they made my life an absolute misery and they are still ‘thriving’. I hate it, i’m not jealous. it’s just now i’ve realized how absolutely horrible those people are and they’ll never get punished like they really should have.My best friend at the moment is friends with all of them which is FINE with me because i get people can have other friends but this means i have trust issues and i’m always anxious going out with her because if she sees those girls they’re gonna wanna talk to her and of course leave me out on purpose.. this sounds like a really stupid reason to be upset.. but yeah i’m fed up