A mama feels her baby's pain 😢
***UPDATE #2*****
So, we finally have an answer! She had Roseola infantrum. Which, I had never heard of before. It's Also called sixth disease. According to the doctors, It's a common viral infection in young children that causes high fever and a rash. Usually affecting babies by age 2.The rash doesn't always appear right away. Sometimes it appears after the infection is over. Hence, how we found out she had it. It is generally mild and is caused by two strains of herpes virus. It occasionally affects adults. It's very common and Spreads very easily. It spreads by By airborne respiratory droplets (coughs or sneezes).By saliva (kissing or shared drinks).By touching a contaminated surface (blanket or doorknob).By skin-to-skin contact (handshakes or hugs).It resolves within days to weeks. It's important for them to rest and stay hydrated. The important thing is that She's ok now and back to her happy, normal self.
***UPDATE ****
Despite our best efforts, my daughter's temp continued to rise. Plus overnight into this morning, she developed a cough and runny nose. So I had to take her back to the doctor. Dr. Tried to test her urine again, but she couldn't give a sample. She is still refusing to drink a lot. We're being consistent and making sure we try to get at least 4oz of liquid in every 2 hours. Dr. Gave us a test kit for us to try and collect a sample. If she can't provide one, our daughter will have to have a catheder inserted. Dr. Checked her ears, throat and lungs and everything still looks good. Drs are still stumped as to what she has. They tested for covid to be on the safe side, but we won't have the results until Monday. If she's not better by the weekend, we are to take her to the ER.
***sorry, long post***
I'm not really sure where to post this. And I just really need to get how I'm feeling off my chest...
I'm a first time mom. My poor daughter is going through a tough time. She is 11.5 months. She will be 1 soon. Her birthday is on the 24th.
She was acting strange this morning. Not quite herself. At first, I put it off as teething. She also was pulling on her ear. She just got her top two front teeth within the past two weeks and now one of her incisors is coming through. She didn't eat much and she wasnt really interested in her bottle either. Which, again, I thought was odd.
I have her some Strawberries and banana and she seemed to perk up and be a little bit more like her usual self.
She refused to nap which I thought was odd, since she was rubbing her eyes and seemed to be very drowsy. It was past her nap time. She felt a little warm to me, so I checked her temp and everything was fine. It was normal temp. Between 97-98.
It was after 12:00. It was still past her nap time, so I tried to put her down for a nap again. Everything seemed normal other than her being drowsy. She seemed to finally drift off to sleep. At around 1:30 she started screaming. She felt warm so I took her temperature. She had a fever or 102.8. I gave her some Tylenol and I called her pediatrician and rushed her over. By the time we got to the pediatrician, which is 20 min from my house, her temp had jumped to 103.6.
The Dr had to give her a dose of ibuprofen to bring her fever down quicker. The Dr. Checked her ears and no ear infection. She tested her for the flu and strep. Both negative. Her only symptom is a high fever.
They didn't test her for covid only because we haven't been around anyone and also she has no other symptoms. We have taken this pandemic very seriously and have quarantined. We haven't taken her out of the house and no one has visited us. And we haven't left the house.
When we left the office her temp was down to 101.3. The Dr. Told us that we need to monitor her overnight and if she doesn't improve we need to bring her back in tomorrow. The Dr. Is stumped as to what is wrong with her. She has no clue.
They were going to test her urine for a uti or any sign of any other infection, but our daughter was unable to give a urine sample. They said she could even have roseola, but, even the Dr. Said that that's just guessing at this point. Since she doesn't have a rash or any other symptoms.
Its been heart breaking for me to hear our daughter screaming when she has her temp and vitals taken. To hear her screaming when she was being tested for all of those things. Her screaming was worse than when she gets her shots.
You couldn't even lay her down on the exam table without her screaming. She ate some watermelon when we got home, which was a good sign. At least she was eating something and something that would hydrate her. The Dr. Encouraged us to feed her hydrating foods since she was still refusing any milk or pedialyte. Her temp even seemed to be staying between 97 and 98 for a while. She finally went down for the night between 8-8:30. I checked her temp before bed and it was fine.
Then around 10:53 I checked her temp again and it had jumped to 102.3 I gave her Tylenol and she finally drank some pedialyte and some milk. I have been up with her ever since.As time went by She still felt very warm to me and she was just inconsolable. so I checked her temp again. At this point it's 2:00 in the morning. Her temp at 2:18 was close to 103 again. I gave her a dose of ibuprofen and she is finally asleep.
She's only had 1 wet diaper so far since we've been home and she refused anymore pedialyte or milk despite our best efforts to give her some.
I'm worried about what could be wrong with her. She's so helpless. She doesn't understand what is going on. She can't tell me what's wrong with her other than with screaming and crying.
I've walked the floor with her when she had colic really badly in her first few months. I helped her get through her first cold at 6 months. But this... I just feel so helpless. I hate to see her like this.
And it worries me that we don't have an answer as to what is wrong with her. I've just been awake crying. It is now almost 4:00 am. I haven't slept a wink and I'm about to do my rounds again.
If you've read this far... I thank you. It means a lot.

Let's Glow!
Achieve your health goals from period to parenting.