Please pray for my baby girl 💜


My daughter is 5 months old tomorrow.  She has Down Syndrome. In case those of you who are not as familiar with DS, heart defects are common. (Not every child with DS has them though) My daughter had 3. They corrected them May 26th. In the hospital, she was finally on the stepdown unit and almost ready to come home until they called a rapid response to her room. 102 fever..inconsolable.. chest bleeding. She had popped a wire. They took her back into surgery and had to completely rewire her chest and put  a binder on her (binder was my request so this would not happen again). Then we just got news that she has a post op infection that has developed into a blood stream infection- Sepsis. Sepsis is already very serious, but the mortality rate is even higher in those with Down Syndrome and/or other comorbidities.  She has so much working against her but as her mama and her advocate I believe in her. I know she can pull through we just need serious prayers right now. The heartbreaking part is she is not herself at all right now. She is hurting so much. Photo of my beautiful little fighter just because. Here is Addie. First photo is before surgery. The one of me holding her finger is after surgery but before everything went downhill. Please pray for her. I'm terrified for my baby girl. We were told that she will be in the hospital much longer and when she does come home she will need a wound vac, picc line and home health.