Egg retrieval


Well, I got the call yesterday about how many embryos made it to blastocyst from egg retrieval. I had been so hopeful last week when they retrieved 18 eggs! We were then notified that only 14 were mature and of those, only 8 fertilized (ICSI used). I was still hopeful, but our coordinator sounded serious when she called yesterday so I knew it wasn't good news. She informed me that only 1 embryo had made it to blastocyst (biopsied to be tested and frozen). 💔 I felt like I was in a haze as she told me that some are still growing and that the lab was going to see if any of them become day 7 blastocysts to then be biopsied and frozen. Who knows what will happen with those. For right now I'm devastated. I tried to reach out to family for support and while I know they care, nothing they said really felt like what I needed in the moment. For now, taking a day off work to have the space to feel how I'm feeling, and we have plans to talk to our RE next week. Any success stories of second retrievals going better, success with day 7 blastocysts for FETs, and

<a href="">IVF</a>

working with low number of embryos greatly appreciated! 💛


Our coordinator called and 2 more little resilient and slow growing embryos finally made it to blast on day 7. So 3 total. Not what I was hoping for but I'll take it for now. Really looking forward to talk to the RE about next steps.