Insecure about my body

During this lockdown I’ve been trying to get my body correct. About 5-6 years ago, I suffered with ED and stayed very slim for a long time, in the past two years I started allowing myself to be less restrictive with foods and started enjoying them. Blessing and a curse. I was an avid gym goer before all of this craziness went on, and continue to do at home work outs, but the results just aren’t good enough. My upper body isn’t that bad, however I have huge legs. It makes no sense. I look so disproportionate. I wear nothing besides sweatpants, and it has been fairly warm where I live so I decided to wear shorts. I went swimming and took some poolside pics with friends and seeing my legs in the photos made me close to physically ill. I don’t know what to do, my legs remain huge no matter what workouts and diets I go on. I don’t know what to do. Any suggestions or work out plans? I want to feel and look good this summer.