Driving myself crazy and needing advice

Leah • Leah Jo

So my fiancé and I have been ttc since our miscarriage last April. Every month, nothing. I’ve had a lot of issues since then. I have gained a bunch of weight and my periods have been off. They checked me for PCOS and did lots of tests. They do not think I have PCOS but think I am almost prediabetic. They have me on metformin. Since starting that, my periods have been more regular the last four months, only changing from between a 29-31 day cycle. This month, I’m on day 33 and no period. I’ve went this long without a period in the past, before metformin, but I didn’t have any symptoms or anything. I have been cramping everyday since 6/2, I have been very tired and heartburn like crazy. No breast tenderness but I didn’t have that with my first child until 6-7 weeks pregnant. I took a pregnancy test today and it was negative. Is there still a possibility I’m pregnant or would I have had a positive result by now. Thanks in advance. I’m just going crazy and want an answer for sure either way. I’ve added a screenshot of my last months cycle on here for a better reference.