Absolutely zero sex

Sarah • 🤷🏼‍♀️💭

Hi, I come to you all crying.

Sex to me is way more than just “getting some.” It creates a deep connection with my partner. My boyfriend has just—stopped. He went to wanting me all the time to literally not letting me touch him. He jokes and makes “ew” faces when I do. Well maybe have sex once a month? Turns out it’s his new antidepressants, (venlafaxine) which is a valid reason, but.. it still hurts. I feel like he doesn’t want me at all. And it hurt even more when I found out he masturbated the other day while I was at work. The only reason that hurt so bad was because the one time he’s “in the mood” he couldn’t just... wait for me to get home.

Fast forward a week later, an hour before I had to go to work, we kinda started to get in the mood a little but he stopped and said “you have to go to work” I said “uh—in an hour. You don’t have a few minutes?”

He literally said to me “you’ve waited a month, you can wait eight more hours” (talking about when I got home from work)

Yet he couldn’t wait for me to get home that day he masturbated?

I asked him if he could talk to his doctor or buy pills to help his libido and he said yes but that was a couple weeks ago and he has done absolutely nothing. Every time I try to gently seduce him he literally turns away and shrugs me off my or tells me to stop.

Can anyone else relate to the pain this is causing me? It’s genuinely making me hate the way I look and I’m slipping into a depression. I feel like my own man doesn’t want me at ALL. it’s so fucking painful I can’t even think about it without crying. Can anyone else relate?