Jealous Husband

Wow. I’m embarrassed to even write this. My husband and I went to the lake today together. No one else was there. Or around us. No one. I wore a bikini I have worn 10 other times to the lake/pool. All of the sudden today my husband decided my bikini is inappropriate and calls me a slut and says he doesn’t want to be with someone that dresses like I do. Mind you I have worn this bikini in front of him a handful of times and have heard nothing. Then all of a sudden today hes on his man period and decides I’m a slut? I love him more than life itself but his major jealousy issues are getting to me ! I told him I would throw the bikini away. Order a new one. Do whatever it takes to make him happy and comfortable and he refuses to even reconcile. Just wants to continue being mad and ignoring me. Unbelievable.