Interesting Anal Talk... UPDATE!

Soooo I have been kinda interested in trying anal but I wanted to make sure before I brought it up to my SO. So last night I was like ok I really want to try it! But he was tired so I didn’t mention it. (Also I am 31 weeks pregnant so I thought it would be a fun way to spice things up as well since my bump is in the way) so this morning we have some morning fun and I am like ok now is the time to bring it up. He was kinda surprised because I had never really expressed interest I was scared it would hurt and didn’t want to get his hopes up if I wasn’t sure myself. BUUUUT then he goes and says can we do it after the baby is here? “The thought of nailing my pregnant spouse in the ass..” annnd that completely deflated my excitement and crushed me lol I get where he is coming from and want him to feel comfortable too it’s just my hormones lol I already have moments where I don’t feel sexy or feel like he is worried to hurt the baby by touching me so that statement kinda cemented those feelings. (I know now he didn’t mean to hurt my feelings) theeen this man goes and says...”it’s so hot you want you want to right now? I kinda want to now” (we didnt because I was still a little sad) he said he just wants to make sure I am comfortable during the whole experience and that I enjoy it so that I will want to do it again and that he just doesn’t want me to feel more uncomfortable in my body than I am because of pregnancy discomfort. I just needed to vent and get that off my chest 😅😂


Y’all!! We did it...and it was incredible!! Shockingly did not hurt but I think I was just so excited to finally be doing it that I didn’t even think about it and we used a lot of lube!! 100% does feel like you are going to poop... 😅 but I’m so hooked!