How do I talk to him about our break up?

So on the 27th my boyfriend and I broke up.

He started a construction job that makes him work 60+ hours, might drop outta college, moved into his first place, and lives 40 mins away.

I missed him but understood everything.

Unbeknownst to me, my dad told him we should break up

“It’s not fair you work and go have fun while my daughter is home waiting for you to text her”

Which isn’t true at all

My ex simply said he needed time to figure out his future and there’s a possibility we can get back together after he does.

Since then we have been texting and talking more than before.

Part of me knows if my dad kept his mouth shut it wouldn’t have happened, we had just saw eachother that Sunday and had an amazing fishing date, even talking about our future together.

I’m not sure how to explain to him what my dad said was a lie, or understand his meaning behind still talking to me.

He’s a sweet guy, so I know he’s not using me.


My father told him that I was sitting at home crying and missing him. He made him feel terrible about working, of course he’s gonna break up with me if he thinks I’m miserable.

My point of the post was how do I explain to him my dad lied.