Would you unfollow someone on social media for this?

I saw a post going around on Instagram that people are unfollowing others on social media for not posting about BLM.

Personally I think it’s a little ridiculous. Posting about it to spread awareness is great. At the same time though, I don’t think whether you post or not doesn’t, and shouldn’t, determine whether you support the movement or not. I haven’t posted anything about my views to social media because a lot of my black friends and family have said that they don’t care about it because so many racist people they know just use it to look trendy or front on social media. So I asked them what they thought would be the most beneficial ways to help make a difference. instead I donated money, signed petitions online, and brought food and beverages to a local protest.

This morning tho, I had someone inbox me to tell they are disappointed with me because I haven’t posted? And it was a white girl, not even a POC.

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