Should I go into hospital or wait until 12?


So I have been feeling off all week. I went to the hospital Thursday thinking I was in labor, I had uterine contractions but they were irregular and I was only 3cm dilated. Friday my blood pressure was high, so I went back in. My pulse was 130 for over an hour, after fluids, it went down some.

This morning, I bent over and fluid came out when I stood up. It wasn’t a lot, but enough to go down my leg and a tad bit on the floor. It wasn’t urine. It was probably 1/4 cup? Mad?

Nothing has happened since then.

Well the dilemma is I have an induction today at 12am. They will send me home they said if it’s not my water to come back. I have been sent home from l and d a total of three times since April 22nd for a variety of issues, but nothing major. I don’t want my water to have broken and not go in. But im going in anyway later. They already probably think me a hysterical fool. So I have no idea what to do.

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