Some advice please ladies...

I dont really know how to put this so I will just be straight forward and not sugar coat. I am on the pill, and some days I dont always take it at the same time which is 100% my fault and I know that. I had unprotected sex May 31st, and now since yestersay June 6th I have had pink/brown discharge only when I wipe or a little with be on my liner not heavy at all tho. I have a 15 month old already who I adore. My fiancé and I didn’t want another baby until she was more independent potty trained/ in pre-k cause I stay home with her.. in my eyes a baby is a blessing no matter what. But I guess I’m just looking for someone to tell me if I could possible be pregnant? Or advice if you have little ones who are 2 years apart? Or really anything.. Anything to give me some kind of piece of mind..