Faint lines? (Took 3 tests) HELP!!!

Please help, am I seeing lines, cause I show my boyfriend but he says he doesn’t see anything, but I see like a shadowy line, on cheapies. The first one is an easy at home test 1st time trying them, and I thought i was seeing faint lines (have taken two yesterday with faint lines too) so I took another cheapie I had left from Femometer and I also see a vffl and then i took the blue dye test but idk if i trust it. Can they be evaps even though I checked them and saw then within the time frames??? Or am I seeing things and need new glasses lol?

I took this one first, taken within time frame

And then i took this one, again within time frame

And this one(within time frame) but i dont trust it because it’s blue dye (ran out of pink dye test other than cheapies)

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