I think labour is stalling maybe


So had my second sweep Saturday morning, just loosing mucus plug afterwards no blood, 8am yesterday started getting contractions about 10mins apart, by lunch time they were 5mins and lasting 1 minute, told not to come in yet as I sounded fine on the phone.

Ended up going in was only 2-3cm cervix soft and 1cm long, but baby back to back and only 4/5 engaged.

Came home got to the point at 10pm they weren’t changing so tried to rest, managed to sleep about 4am for two hours, woke up to them only being 10 mins apart but lasting a minute still and pretty intense, so been active all day. Lunch time still 10 mins apart but crying not coping so went back in. I’m now 3/4cms dilated, soft, 1/2 cm long but told to go back home as still not constant enough.

And this is where I still am, 36hours of contractions that haven’t actually stoped for a period just stayed intense but irregular.

Anyone got any happy stories for me that there’s started like this, I can’t do days of this, I’m over by 6 days now. 😢