LDR advice

My boyfriend and I are in a long distance relationship. We’ve been together for 7 years now. We got together when we were 12/13 and have been going strong since then. The only small issue is we haven’t met in person yet. We call, video chat, text, write letters, send gifts...etc. But now that we’re both adults and have more freedom. We’re planning on meeting and spending time together. Him and I both work and saved money aside to get a place together. He wants to come over to me (Cali) He’s from Texas. He wants to get a plane ticket to see me as soon as possible. That way he can find an apartment with me and we can move in together. I’m more than ready to start our lives together, but my main concern is are we moving to fast? Because he’s ready as well. But is it a big move, should we just spend time together in person first before making a big decision like that? I guess I’m just stressing a bit about it.