How are you handling family visits after having your baby during COVID?


We are getting closer to our first baby’s due date and relocated to oregon.. all of our family is in California and of course is very excited to meet her, but that also means they are all expecting to be here for the birth. The hospitals aren’t allowing visitors other than your partner so I’ve made it clear I only want my partner here & my mom (if possible). My SO’s dad and paternal grandmother are acting as if they’ll come here for two weeks and spend everyday with us.. I know I will not be feeling great postpartum and will definitely want our own time to bond with our newborn and also heal a bit before having out of town visitors over daily.

How are you handling visitors with your newborns, especially during Covid?

I’ve been so overwhelmed and it would be different if we lived locally, but with them having to travel it wouldn’t just be people stopping by to meet her and would be pretty overload with visitors.. I also worry about germs of course with everything going on and how we can best avoid that