What would be the best way to handle this

Tatum, Zora & Amara`s Muva 🌹 • 26|Navy Wife| Mommy.

So a little back story, my daughter started at an at home daycare. The woman only keeps a total of 5 children. My daughter started a weeks ago. To start up it was 300 for the first and last week and we still had to pay that friday to continue service for her second week which would be this week. 3 days after Tatum started she asked if we could pay early because she had meds to pick up and was short on money. Okay, no biggie. We gave her a schedule 7:30-3:30 because the max is 8 hours. Everyday since she started she texts us around 12 saying that the other girls are leaving and what time will pick up be? 3:30!..One day she asked my husband to meet her at a gas station with Tatum because she had to go to the doctor at 3. Apoun starting she never mentioned to us about all these appointments that she had and hair appointments. Her add also says 24/7. Sunday (3 days ago) she texted us and said she had a fever and was going to the doctor Monday. then texted us and said she will see Tatum Wednesday, today. My issue is 3 things. Im paying 160 a week for you to keep her from 7-12 technically, im in class from 8-1 and dealing with ppd and anxiety so i needed the break to just have me time vs a real facility that'll keep her from 6am-630pm (not leavening her that long but i have that option), i feel like i get the vibe that she doesn't like my daughter and could've just said that because she's always rushing for her to leave and she's unreliable. I wanted to like her. I wasn't nasty to her and i told her it was for financial reasons because i didn't want her to feel bad but she pissed me off with her reply below...