Was my doctor wrong? Or am I just jumping for answers?

I’m not sure if this is the right group to post this in, but if not, please let me know where to post.

I lost my child recently due to preterm labor. I found out days after giving birth that I had a bladder infection. Bladder infections can weaken the membranes around the amniotic sac and can lead to rupturing of the membranes(my water did break). I had that bladder infection when I arrived at the hospital(I know this because I looked at my test results they took at the hospital). They didn’t give me medicine at the hospital for it and have only given me anti-inflammatories. I had a doctor visit 3 days before I went into labor. They check my urine every visit. If they had checked my urine like they were suppose to they would of caught it. The doctor swabbed the placenta after I gave birth and it showed signs of infection. This is making me think the doctors failed to do their job and it’s caused me to lose my child. I’m not sure what to do or how to even go about this. Any insight would be appreciated.