Tmi and trigger warning misscarrage please help

Is someone willing to share what there early miscarriage or chemical pregnancy was like( sorry to even ask). I am think I was pregnant and would have been 5-6 weeks along. I was going to take a test when the bleeding started. So I didn't test. Looking back I should have tested. Now that its over I can't shake the feeling I lost my first child. The not knowing is driving me crazy. Would someone be able to explain what theirs was like so maybe I can get a better understanding of if I had a loss or if my period was just late and my mind is playing tricks on me. Mine "period" started as dark drown to black spotting for 2 days than 2 days of extremely heavy black beeding then changing to red blood both were very chunky.( I was emptying my cup every 1-1 1/2 hrs) then it stopped for a day than returned like my normal period for the next 4 days. I just need help understand what happened. Is this all just in my mind or is it possible I losted a baby?