36 weeks prego and went to labor and delivery

Jesus saves

Hey Ladies I’m just wondering if any mamas out there have had to go into the hospital because there b/p was high and had vision changes? I went in yesterday and the said I had mild preeclampsia. They want to take the baby out at 37 weeks now. All my lab work was good, except the protein in my urine was high. Of course my blood pressures were good to when I was there. However I was contracting every few minutes so they gave me fluids and meds also a steroid for the baby. I ended up getting to come home last night. However today I’m having horrible kidney plain. As anyone ever experienced this? It’s not contractions, just lower back pain by my kidneys. I have to go into tonight to get another steroid shot. So I’ll ask them than. Just wondering if anyone else has been through this as it’s my first time. Thanks so much!