May baby turned June


3 difficult, failed induction and one cesarean section later, we are thrilled to announce our baby girl has arrived 🥰

Wrapped around daddy’s little finger already, she has our hearts 😍

She came in 17:30, June 9th at 3.8 kg, 51cm in length, 15 merkur 🥰

Bjöggi has been amazing in every way and is already such a loving and awesome dad ❤️ I could not have chosen a better partner to do life with.

Anyone interested in birth story:

I started induction with pills on the 8th , had to take 5, had extremely painful and long contractions but dilation. After 6 hours of transitional contractions I was still only 1cm dilated. Got an epidural to get some rest as I had been up nearly 24 hrs with full blown contractions 2 mins in length, 1.5-2 mins long at this point.

With some rest between puking, we stayed another 6 hours before they broke my waters. No dilation still.

Started with picotin at a low dose, amped up every hour. Baby girl didn’t like that and started dropping in heart rate. Lowered the meds and after 36 hours of misery I was only 2.5 cm dilated with a complaining baby 👶

So off to C- section where my blood pressure dropped and I am still felling the anesthesia 😅