anyone who has 1 kid and done having kids..


Ok so long story short my husband and I cannot have a child naturally. We are using a surrogate (gestational carrier) which means it’ll be my egg and his sperm but her uterus to grow the baby.

This process is so much , time and money. It’s a one time thing for us. Most fertility drs now a days won’t transfer two eggs, so only having one kid and done. We had always talked about having only one, but I guess now seeing that this is how we have to have a kid , am I going to be ok with just having one.

I have always wanted to be a mom. Felt like that’s why I was put on this earth. I have a very nurturing caring personality. I absolutely love babies / kids (every job I’ve had has been working with kids).

I sometimes wonder if I’ll be ok with just one. Am I ever going to look back on my life and wish I had more. Obviously I can’t really help that I can’t physically carry so it’s not much of a choice at this point. For those who have one, are you happy with it? Do you regret it? Did you only ever want just one?