Enzo Lawrence


My Dad, Lawrence, passed away unexpectedly 2 years ago and we were very close. Our plan is to incorporate him into the name of our second born. We are having a boy but even if it were a girl we were considering something like Wren or Lora.

Both of his parents were from Italy and I know he would be proud if we also incorporated that. So we landed on:

Enzo Lawrence

We are letting it sit awhile to make sure we like it. My married name is a very plain English last name so I wasn’t sure if it is too exotic(?). Usually my husband shoots down every single name and was on board out of the gate so maybe that’s a sign?

In case it matters, our first born is Ruby Mae (Ruby is my birthstone and Mae is paternal Grandmother’s name). Does Ruby and Enzo clash?

I would love your input, thanks friends!

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