Peaceful conversation of circumcision

Please no negative comments like tell her to fuck off or it’s no e of her business etc.

My mom and I have been in constant arguments over me deciding not to circumcise my son. Even my dad jumped in on this last fight and said what does it matter (so thanks dad!)

Anyway my mom is dead set on that circumcising is the best option and healthier etc, but after all the research I’ve done I do acknowledge there are benefits but the percentages of those benefits I don’t feel are enough to make my son go through that.

I tried to explain to her that the chances of a uncircumcised male getting a UTI are 1% so even though he has a higher risk it’s still a very small risk.

But nothing I say seems to get through to her.

Last night we had the worst fight I ended up leaving no saying anything. She texted me later that evening saying sorry and then again this morning saying she was sorry again and cried all night. (My mom and are are really close) so for us to be fighting and almost on non speaking terms is rare and stressful.

No I just don’t even know how to reply to her. I just wish she could listen to my reasons why and accept it. I just have no idea how to talk to her about it when she’s so set on what she thinks is right.

Also she’s the one who watches our kids when my husband and I work so she’ll be doing diaper changes so technically my sons penis is relevant to her ciz she’s gonna have to know how to clean it etc.