

Hi all,

I’m slightly concerned about my LO’s progress. She’s 14 mo and she is able to stand on her own for about 20 secs if she doesn’t get too excited and still working on getting from a sitting position to standing one without falling. With that said, her dr told me that she expects my LO to be walking by her 15 mo appt, which is July 10 😳.

Also at daycare, she’s the only one her age not walking yet. She babbles a lot and says da da and a little of ma ma and makes different noises and singing melodies but no actual walking.

I thought that 18 mo no walking was a concern but when my dr told me 15 mo I’ve been hyper focused on that since.

Meanwhile my friend’s kid is walking and he’s 10 mo! My other friend’s kid is the same age as my LO and he’s not yet walking but can say at least 5 words! 😩

I know we shouldn’t compare but how else am I to know something is concerning or not?

Thoughts? Advice?