Birth Story!


Emma Jo Weersing was born today at 10:57 weighing 6lbs 5oz, and 19.5 inches long. We went in for our induction yesterday at 9pm, I had a Foley Catheter put in at about 10pm (which the insertion wasn’t painful at all but boy the contractions they gave me were INSANE) I was also placed on pitocin a couple hours after it was inserted. It was removed when I had reached 5cm which was around 6am, they then gave me my epidural THANK GOODNESS🙌🏻 and broke my water. By 9am I was 7-8cm and by 10:30am I was a 10! And it was time to push, I pushed for ten minutes and out came out beautiful babe. My birthing experience was everything I could’ve hoped for, and I’m so thankful to have a happy healthy babe. Here to all the soon to be mamas that are stressed out there, you’ve got this, and you ARE strong!💕