So much anxiety

So I’m about 5 weeks and 4 days pregnant but I’ve had so much anxiety since finding out I’m pregnant a week ago. I had a missed miscarriage last September and I remember having positive tests for weeks even though I miscarried at 10 weeks but sac was only measuring 5 weeks and 3 days. I have a 2.5 year old daughter and seem to have already forgotten some of the symptoms I had with her. Right now I only have sore boobs and frequent urination...and a few days ago I had light to moderate period like cramping. My doctor seemed surprised that I didn’t have morning sickness as yet but she thinks I’m further along than I am. I didn’t get a positive Opk until day 21 of my cycle.

Anyway just needed to vent because I feel like until I have an ultrasound and see baby I’ll be stressed even with a positive test and symptoms.