Don't judge


I've been with my SO for 7 years. Only married 1 year. I have never left him or made him question my loyalty. I am a step mom to his 2 boys and I want my own children. I've been trying for years now, 1 miscarriage and thats it. I know I'm having a hard time having my own children but I don't feel like my husband understands or is too invested in the process. I knew from the get-go he was okay with not having more kids and he knew I wanted my own bio kids but since its been so hard for me it takes more time and tracking my ovulation and all the extra etc. Im only 28 and im beyond sick of wasting my prime years not having children and feel I need to be with someone who makes it a priority. He isn't or has not been taking it seriously for years and its a deal breaker. I'm considering leaving him because me having my own bio kids is more important to me than all the crap I deal with being a step mom. But would it be too crazy if I left him just to prove a point? He's a great dad, husband, man and everything I want but I have no other way to prove to him having my own kids is my number 1 priority right now and will be for a long time. I dont feel like he's scared to lose me because I've never made him feel that way, but I know he's not taking it seriously skipping ovulation days etc.. I cant spend another day wasting my time but he doesn't take the process too seriously. He is trying with me, having intercourse every 2 days and he asks when im ovulating but I just don't feel like he's soooo invested like me. I have no other choice to show him how serious I am. He's invested, but not how I need him to be at this age or time in my life 😫