Was I wrong?


I feel so bad we have lived in our house for 1.5 years and it's in a nice area. I have two children under two years old. We were all sleeping and around 645am a lady started ringing our doorbell uncontrollably. I was terrified my husband was downstairs and said there was a lady at the door half dressed. I called 911 because I was afraid and had no idea who she was and what was going on. The lady ran next door while and I assumed she was going to ring their doorbell. She came back to our house and started beating on the door. The police showed up pretty quickly and I heard them say get the fire department. I then realized she was the next door neighbor and her house was on fire! I feel terrible because instead of opening the door to help I feared for my life. Was I wrong ? Would you have opened the door? I am only familiar with the neighbors husband I've only seen the wife maybe twice and wouldn't recognize her. I regret not opening the door coming from a place of fear.