Baby Daddy is a Narc


Long story short. I’m pregnant by an on again narcissist that I “fell” for and have been abused by in the last two years. We were never official but I’m sure you know how that goes (triangulation, accidentally becoming the other woman and being too blind/traumatized to accept it out of fear of discard etc etc). Well he recently discarded me after me showing up to his house because he didn’t show to a prenatal paternity test HE SET UP and wouldn’t answer my calls, they (he/his gf) called the cops and threatened to press charges in April( those charges have never been made so my family thinks he was bluffing). This pregnancy has been chaotic and sometimes I feel myself undergoing the obsession that comes with being discarded (I’m a certified people pleaser so trying to feel good about him leaving me and my unborn son has caused a lot of doubt and triggered the lurking). I am getting better and slowly feeling confident a bit since I know my family to support me.

But today I relistened to my audio recordings ( a lawyer had advised me to take them when we met) and I realized all the subtle forms of gaslighting and deflection that he was doing! Isn’t that crazy, how we don’t realize that they’re doing it in the act but we see it afterwards omgggg