Benzo withdrawal

Tatum, Zora & Amara`s Muva 🌹 • 26|Navy Wife| Mommy.

So i take ativan as needed for anxiety and the mg is .5...I normally have to take 2 a day and have been on them for 2 weeks. Im reading alot of stuff about benzo withdrawal and im terrified of coming off because of the side effects and possibly a seizure..has anybody ever taken a low dose like this and has a issue coming off or do you guys think that i will be okay...i normally need one in the morning because that when the panic happens and im fine all day and may take one to help sleep. So far ive been fine today by using the strategies that i learned in therapy but i have been having palpitations..i got my heart and blood work checked last week and im completely healthy but im scared to stop cold Turkey..i see my doctor on the 18th and i will talk to him about lowering the dose