My Sleep Sucks 😭

Jessica • Wife, Mother, & Working Mom

Hi ladies. Recently I have been STRUGGLING with my sleep schedule. I have never been a morning person but lately it has been really bad. I can’t seem to wake up in the morning. I’ve been trying to start waking up at 8:00am but I just can’t comprehend my alarm or the fact that I need to get my ass out of bed. I end up sleeping until around noon a lot. My husband has been trying to wake me up in the mornings this week but he will spend hours trying to get me to get up and i just don’t. I can hear him speaking to me but I literally can not comprehend what is happening and will not actually wake up enough to get out of bed. I feel so bad. I know it’s frustrating for him to sit there and attempt to get me out of bed for so long like I’m a kid and not a grown woman. I can’t sleep at night either. I will lay in the dark for hours and hours and toss and turn. Or if I do manage to go to sleep at a decent time I will wake up in the middle of the night and be awake until early morning. And once I’m back asleep in the morning I sleep for hours and hours. I feel like I have zero self control over myself when I am sleepy and groggy in the morning. The mornings I have managed to get up I am extremely drowsy to the point I feel like I’m high and I get very dizzy and very nauseas. Has anyone else gone through this? What can I do to change this? It is making me so miserable. 😭