8 month old. Catch up !!

What are your little 8 months doing? What milestones have been reached?

My little boy is 8 months today - he can:

Sit by himself 🤗

Crawl (fast and all over the place 🤣🤦‍♀️)

Pull himself up to a standing position using whatever he can and cruises along the thing hes holding onto (walks around my coffee table in circles) 🤪

Says dada (alot!) Also babbling other sounds but not close to mama yet. 😒

Eats solids 🙂

Has two bottom teeth 😁

Likes pointing at hes books when we read to him 📚

Favorite place in the house is the bathroom (he likes to pull himself up to the bath and stare into it) ☺

Favorite time is bath time, we get lots of giggles here 🛀

He laughs alot it we havent had the big belly laugh yet 🤣

Hes favorite toy is none if the things weve bought him, he prefers standing against the flower bed and digging hes hand into the sand 🌼

Hes perfect, we are wondering if we should try for another. (Our last)

What are your babies Upton and what's their favorite things and are you pregnant again or when you thinking is the right time for them to be good good ages apart?

Hes asleep, I'm bored, hehehe humor me 💚☺